FINDEWAL Sp. z o. o. is a technological company established in 2014. Since the very beginning we are devoted to production of machines and other devices for industry. We realize tasks, including non-typical ones, to meet individual needs of our client. The scope of our operation is as follows:

We have developed a EU co-funded project:
“Innovative system of safety and logistics management in the transportation of goods with the use of geoinformation technologies”.
The result of the project is the most important of Findewal's products to date - details can be found at

Our core specialty is development and implementation of devices for industry. An important part of our operation are energy audits. Thanks to our experience and constant cooperation with high-class experts of various industrial backgrounds along with scientists, we are able to perform almost any individual order for industry and services in the following formula:
Each stage of operation is analyzed and priced separately so as to provide our customer with full clarity and control of the status of the order. The scope of our operation is as follows:
According to the act of May 20th, 2016, concerning energy consumption efficacy (Dz. U. 2016, pos. 831, art. 36-38) all big companies are obliged to conduct energy audit no later than by September 30th, 2017. This obligation refers to companies who, during previous two years:
- employed at least 250 people OR
- sold goods or services valued at least 50 million euro OR
- possessed assets worth more than 43 million euro.
- buildings (the structure itself, air-conditioning, ventilation, demand for warm water, lighting)
- heat (gas boilers, electric sources)
- transportation (consumption of fuel).
We hereby inform that Findewal Sp. z o. o. has developed the project “Innovative system of safety and logistics management in the transportation of goods with the use of geoinformation technologies”.
Value of the project was: 4 884 989,85 zł
Endowment of the EU: 3 522 061,77 zł

- Development of EDC concept
- Industrial robot repair
- Electric drive for go-cart
- Project of electric drive for go-cart
- Modernization of 250T press
- Project, prototype and assembly of drive gearing
- Assessment of risk of of MP-003 machine
- Production documentation of Skruber PVC
- Prototype of CPF-01-24U sensor
ul. Pana Balcera 6B/09
20-631 Lublin, Poland
PL 712-329-00-45
Banking account:
Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A. 12 1940 1076 3179 3164 0000 0000
Registration information
NIP 712-329-00-45
REGON 061730538
KRS 0000526577
Our venue
Findewal Sp. z o. o.
ul. Pana Balcera 6B/09
20-631 Lublin